container industry中文什么意思

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  1. Text : it is said that with a total investment of 150million yuan rmb , the civet containers project will mainly produce standard containers and it will promote the container industry in zhuhai upon its completion
    据了解,西域集装箱项目总投资1 . 5亿元,主要生产集装箱标箱,建成后将促进我市集装箱行业发展。
  2. The tfb has also provided support to the planning department in identifying suitable new sites for open storage uses , particularly those linked to container industry activities and processing the subsequent land disposal
  3. Based on the business management concept of “ quality first , and credit is fundamental ” , the company provides international container industry with best services , relying on advanced technical power and perfect sales services
  4. This thesis comprises 5 sections . the first section , the foreword of the thesis , analyses in detail the development position of shanghai container industry and , after comparing with the advanced container machinery level in the world , reaches the conclusion that the insufficient productive capacity of shanghai cfs is to a great extent due to the irrational disposition of machinery


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  2. container holder 什么意思
  3. container horizon 什么意思
  4. container identification number 什么意思
  5. container individual fan system 什么意思
  6. container inland depot 什么意思
  7. container insurance 什么意思
  8. container interchange 什么意思
  9. container internal volume 什么意思
  10. container item 什么意思



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